Victoria Miro

Victoria miro art gallery client - portrait
Redefining a Legacy Art Gallery's Digital Experience
Victoria miro art gallery client - pink dot painting
  • Services

  • UI / UX Design
  • Websites
  • Industries

  • Arts & Culture
Victoria miro art gallery client - art gallery upstairs

How does one invigorate a prestigious contemporary art gallery while preserving its heritage and allure? The answer lay in transposing the gallery's unique charm from the physical to the digital realm.

Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - homepage with background art image


Victoria Miro’s digital presence, while functional, lacked the distinctiveness befitting its legacy. The challenge was twofold: to translate the gallery’s values into a digital brand unique to its identity, and to create an immersive digital experience in keeping to the real-world charm.

Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - homepage image with gold pumpkin
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - quote section


Working in direct collaboration with the Artlogic team, we embarked on a transformative journey. Together, we overhauled the front-end design and user experience.

Harnessing a decade’s worth of data, we meticulously reimagined what was once merely a gallery of artists into a dynamic magazine-style hub tailored for the art industry. Our revamped product experience introduces a sophisticated design system that enhances discoverability across various categories, empowering users to explore content expansively. With improved functionality and a refined visual language, we’ve crafted a distinct new image for Victoria Miro’s brand, resonating seamlessly across all digital communications.

Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - gallery section
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - carousel section design
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - news section
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - profile section design
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - artist page
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - close up art


We created brand equity around the iconic architectural ceiling structure of the Victoria Miro gallery itself.  This was integrated across all elements of the website which helps to cultivate a sense of familiarity across all of the touch points.  This deliberate design choice creates visual intrigue and helps to direct focus which no doubt also benefits the artist’s individual pages too.


For the mobile experience, we had to find a harmonious sweet spot between our new visual language and the optimum user journey for a high-end digital art gallery. With portrait orientation in mind, we brought vital components to the forefront of the experience, while making sure the new branded elements were not lost for those on mobile. This resulted in an engaging viewing experience which was accessible across all devices.

Victoria miro art gallery client - mobile web design - mocked up on iPhone device
Victoria miro art gallery client - mobile web design - scaled
Victoria miro art gallery client - mobile web design - homepage mockups
Victoria miro art gallery client - mobile web design
Victoria miro art gallery client - mobile web design - mobile navigation menus
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - full page scaled
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - artist page scaled


Improved search, filtering, and discovery mechanisms were implemented, facilitating seamless navigation through the gallery’s expansive content. From artists and artworks to exhibitions and press, users could easily explore, discover and engage with all facets of the gallery’s offerings.

Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - contact page with map
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - search results page
Victoria miro art gallery client - desktop web design - popup section

Scope of work


  • Design Positioning & Architecture
  • Information Architecture
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Usability Audit & Review
  • Technical Consulting


  • Design Systems
  • Visual Language
  • User Interface Design
  • User Experience Design
  • Interaction Design
  • Quality Assurance
  • Motion Design