Compass Pools - homepage mobile website design mockup on iPhone


Grand design swimming pools for grand design homes. Compass Pools make award-winning swimming pools of all shapes and sizes and were fast-tracked to become the UK’s top pool contractor. But their digital presence was lagging behind and they needed an overhaul to help propel them onto their projected path to success. The client brief was ambitious, they only needed an all-singing, all-dancing, super-fast, super-intuitive, aspirational, premium-feeling minimalistic design, with high-end effects, CTA’s up to your eyeballs and of course, SEO-ified to the max. A fair request for a market-leading luxury swimming pool company, but an eye-watering challenge none-the-less. We got there in the end and helped Compass win more clients, more revenue and even more awards.

  • Services
  • Development
  • Strategy
  • UI / UX Design
  • Websites
  • Industries
  • Architecture
Compass Pools - homepage desktop website design mockup Compass Pools - mobile website design mockups of menu, landing page and homepage Compass Pools - mobile website design mockups Compass Pools - landing page desktop website design mockup Compass Pools - desktop landing page website design mockup Compass Pools - menus desktop website design mockup Compass Pools - homepage desktop website design mockup on coloured background