Unit London Client - desktop page mocked up onto a laptop device

Unit London

One of our most exciting projects, Unit London are a disruptor brand within the art industry and are continuously pushing the boundaries of art and technology. Unit London initially needed a website which fostered progressive technologies and kept them always one-step-ahead. With the launch of their Web3 blockchain platform, Unit London have transgressed into a new and exciting era of art and technology. Testing and adopting all of the latest UX and UI technologies, Long Story Short partner with Unit London to deliver a digital website which portrays their never-say-never attitude to progress.

  • Services
  • Branding
  • Development
  • Strategy
  • UI / UX Design
  • Websites
  • Industries
  • Arts & Culture
Unit London Client - mobile website UI design experience scaled Unit London Client - desktop website UI UX design - homepage Unit London Client - desktop homepage header design - website UI design Unit London Client - web 3 exhibitions page mockup desktop Unit London Client - upstairs gallery space Unit London Editions - Client - header image design for desktop Unit London Client - mobile menu navigation and search page designs Unit London Client - latest news website UI design for desktop Unit London Client - mobile website UI design for an artist Unit London Client - featured exhibitions website design mockup for desktop